For more than 15 years, the medical specialists of Aeskulap-Hospital and Aeskulap-International, and now Integrative Cancer Care, have been offering an integrative treatment approach for metastatic cancer, utilising the best conventional treatments whenever needed, and complementing those with dietary and lifestyle measures, individual exercise programmes, psycho-oncology treatments, hyperthermia- and fever therapies, detoxifying treatments, enzyme therapy, immune system support, and specifically designed plant-derived-therapies in the hope to improve individual patient outcome.
Cancer has become a terrifying global problem. Today, every second man and every third woman will be diagnosed with the disease before the age of 65. The WHO estimates that by 2020 more than 15 Million people will die from cancer each year. This disease has clearly reached epidemic proportions.
Although standard treatment methods for various cancer types have become more effective over the years, they often are rather toxic and usually come with a myriad of short- and long-term side effects. Despite overall improvements in therapy, today, 50% of all cancer patients still die of the disease. Once cancer has spread from the original site to other locations in the body (metastatic disease), treatment options are limited, and it is widely accepted that a cure at that stage is impossible. Nevertheless, we have shown that long-term survival can be achieved with the right integrative treatment approach for individual patients, even in the presence of wide-spread metastatic cancer.
Effectiveness and side effects of our therapy protocols for advanced metastatic breast- and castration-resistant prostate cancer were evaluated in several clinical studies: Data of 294 breast cancer patients and 684 prostate cancer patients were evaluated in two prospective and two retrospective clinical Trials.
Our treatment protocols for metastatic breast and prostate cancer have resulted in cancer control, improved quality of life, and long-term survival in many patients – warranting further study of our protocols and integration of our methods into mainstream oncology for individual patients.